landscape from which they were inspired - a distinct aesthetic signature.
Unique, bold, striking - collections evocative of the landscape from which they were inspired - a distinct aesthetic signature.
No one piece is the same, each with an individuality defined by their pattern and colour - with a presence all their own.

They are collections with an energy and power, imbued with a sense of place, of memories held and revisited, resonant with echoes of changing seasons, light and shade.
Ruth speaks in the language of colour - her collections the result of observation and imagination, balancing shape, form and colour so that each piece sits harmoniously within the environment from which it was inspired.
When selecting her colour palette she can draw on an extensive library of samples created over two decades - a ‘library of colour’ - from which she experiments and plays when creating a new collection - always mindful of how different colours will combine and harmonise to create the effect she seeks to achieve - to express the tones and colours of what she has observed and held within her memory of colour.
Born from a deep understanding of the tone, balance and value of colour, Ruth trusts colour and pattern to emerge, layering transparent glass of different colours between a plain opaque base, the colours, shape and form dependent on how long the glass is stretched.
When selecting her colour palette she can draw on an extensive library of samples created over two decades mindful of how different colour combinations can work together to create the effect she seeks to achieve - the expression of observations and memories expressed through the language of glass.
Over the years she has created a ‘library’ of colour - a library from which she experiments and draws upon when creating a new collection - always mindful of how different colours will combine and harmonise to express the tones and colours of what she has observed and held within her memory of colour.
Controlling the flow - shape and form - the fragility of glass experiments between the kiln and the maker - a constant journey of surprises and delights - painting in 3D.
The Textile Collection
With a background in textiles, Ruth has always been fascinated by pattern and brings this heritage to this unique collection of vessels and panels.
In Metamorphosis, Paradigm Shift and Kaleem, Ruth replicates the patterns of traditional rugs from Baluchistan and Jaipur in kiln formed glass. They hold a very special place in her creative journey, connecting her past with her present - her story encapsulated uniquely in these richly coloured pieces.